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The Ambitious Dreamer Podcast

Jan 28, 2019

Meet Brittany Branson, a live wedding painter from D.C. On today's show we talk about how she entered the world of live painting, and beyond that we tackle issues like finding your niche, giving back within your business, and finding a quality mentor. 

You can keep up with Brittany on Instagram at: 

Jan 21, 2019

Alex Kruse has battled infertility for the past few years, and she's sharing her story on the podcast today! Alex is such a gem & her perspective on such a hard situation is truly inspiring. This is both a very informative and relatable episode, and I'm so grateful to Alex for sharing her heart with us!

Follow Alex at: 

Jan 13, 2019

Let's talk about success. How do you plan for it? I'm breaking down some key ways to reach success in your business on today's episode! 

Find more encouragement & education over at