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The Ambitious Dreamer Podcast

May 30, 2023

Wowowow today's episode is filled with powerful reminders. Sammy Peterson, founder of Simply Wellness, came on the podcast to talk about her own experience with burnout and how she rewrote the rules for herself & how you can too!

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May 23, 2023

I want to hear how you're prioritizing your mental health as a business owner, too! Tag me on Instagram @joelleelizabethandco when you share today's episode and tell me how you're prioritizing your mental health today. I'd love to see that!!


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May 9, 2023

Wowowowow this episode is one for the books. Madison Anaya, founder of The Fearless Chase, joined me on the podcast to talk about all things people pleasing, body image, pursuing happiness even when its scary, taking big leaps, and creating change in your life (and more). 


May 2, 2023

Today on the podcast I'm breaking down 4 ways you can get out of a creative rut in your business!! Tune in to hear & tag me on Instagram @joelleelizabethandco if you share the episode! I'd love to say thank you!!