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The Ambitious Dreamer Podcast

Aug 31, 2021

Lyndon joins me on the podcast to talk about what happened behind the scenes in August!!

  • What we learned
  • What we worked on
  • The real life stuff that happened

Links mentioned:

IG: @joelleelizabethandco


Aug 24, 2021

Steph Weber is a brand strategist based in Arizona, and she is quite the powerhouse. Steph is so full of wisdom and everything she lays hands on, turns to gold. Today Steph is sharing with us how our fears can cripple our decision making and how to overcome some of the fear tendencies we experience. Steph is also going...

Aug 17, 2021

Do you remember the episode in season two with a gal by the name of Karsen Murray who runs a company called Hype Gal Co? If you said yes, surprise surprise! She’s back with us today to chat about all things emails… again!

Karsen is so incredible at showing up and serving well online. If you’re a...

Aug 10, 2021

Welcome back to another season of The Jo Show! I'm so excited to be back and fill you in on all the things that happened in my world while I was away.

We're talking travel, big business decisions, changes, and more!

Stay tuned and make sure you're following along on all my socials!

 Mel's MMM Course

Jo's Instagram
